Lean Body Hacks Review

Boost your metabolism and force your body to burn food for fuel instead of storing it as fat!

Lean Body Hacks is a 21-day regime that teaches you a unique combination and ratio of herbs and spices that has been scientifically proven to improve your gut flora, boost your metabolism and force your body to burn food for fuel instead of storing it as fat.

Your stomach and gut flora are key factors in how your body functions and when it isn’t functioning properly or your gut flora is unbalanced, your body simply can’t burn food for energy as it should be.

By improving your gut flora, weight loss becomes effortless and natural and to do that, you just need to learn the unique blend and ratio of herbs and spices and delicious ways to get them into your system.

So, if you’re ready to add some Lean Body Hacks into your regime, here’s what you can expect from the program.

What is Lean Body Hacks

Lean Body Hacks is a 21-day online program that does more than just provide you with a list of herbs and spices to get into your day and why. It’s much more comprehensive than that, providing you with an abundance of valuable information, as well as step-by-step instructions and guidance.

This includes, but is not limited to, detox tea recipes, ways to improve your sleep patterns, effective techniques to reduce stress, lists of foods to avoid and a 21-day plan that gives you motivation, meals, and more.

All of the herbs and spices proven in the study that this program is based on are easy to find in your local grocery store or health food store. You probably even have most of them in your kitchen already.

The secret to finding success with them is getting in the unique ratio and that’s precisely what this 21-day system teaches you how to do. Here’s a sneak peek at what you receive when you purchase the program:

  1. Main Manual
  2. Detox Tea Guide
  3. 21-Day Guide
  4. 31-Day Accountability Check-In

All of this is available to you as soon as you purchase, so you do not have to wait or pay for shipping or to get started on your new journey towards weight loss. Instead, you just go to the customer page and download the content onto your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

This will come to you as a huge benefit, as it ensures you have everything you need wherever your life takes you, whether it’s to the grocery store to pick up the herbs and spices or to the kitchen to mix them together, to the bedroom to prep for quality sleep, to work, to the gym, you name it.

You can take the program with you wherever you need to go without having to lug around several books or worse, end up at the grocery store only to realize you forget the program. As long as you have your tech, you have the program.

You also get a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee with the program which is a great confidence booster. Combine that with the fact that Lean Body Hacks is based on proven studies and you just can’t go wrong by giving this natural and safe option a try.

The Author of Lean Body Hacks Program:

Randy Smith and Mike Zhang are the creators of Lean Body Hacks Program. Randy is a retired United States Marine Sniper who almost lost his mother due to her weight.

He was desperate to find a solution that didn’t require her to run on a treadmill for countless hours or to count calories or eat a restriction diet. This is when he came across Mike who is a world-famous Thai Boxing Champion.

He also has his Master’s Degree in Applied Science from the University of Toronto which gave the due access to laboratory equipment that enabled them to conduct advanced regeneration research which led them to the discoveries that created this system.

How Does Lean Body Hacks Work?

By taking the drink of spices and herbs every night, you activate a system that your metabolism had it turned off all the time. A set of gut bacteria is activated and they will eat away your body fat in an instant. You won’t even have to do anything.

Simply take the drink every night before going to sleep and you’ll see fantastic results. You will be able to eat all you want without worrying that you’ll get fat again.

You join a couple of straightforward stunts and these herbs in an uncommon brilliant proportion, that supercharges their impact.

To enable your body to help your digestion and produce increasingly acidic bile in your stomach so you disintegrate all your difficult fats, for example, your gut fat, extra layers, and even obstinate back fat.

Overview of Lean Body Hacks Program

Lean Body Hacks takes you through a 21-day system that teaches you the unique ratio of herbs and spices that has been proven to work, as well as healthy lifestyle tips and habits to add into your day.

It also comes with an abundance of valuable information which makes the entire system a powerful resource moving forward.

To give you an idea of what you can expect from the program as a whole and how effortless it really is, here’s a sneak peek at some of the topics covered throughout:

Main Manual

  • Introduction to the Program
  • Good Veggies vs. Bad Veggies
  • Glycemic Index
    • Benefits of Low Glycemic Vegetables
    • What Vegetables to Eat and What to Avoid
  • Fiber Content
    • Benefits of Fiber
    • Fiber Content Level in Vegetables
  • Recovery
  • Sleep
    • Importance of Sleep
    • 3 Tricks to Having a Great Night Sleep
  • Stress
    • Effect of Stress
    • 3 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress
  • Fat Burning Spices
  • List of Fat Burning Spices
  • Golden Ration of Spices (Cooking Version)
  • Golden Ration of Spices (Tea Version)
  • Beverages
  • What Should You Avoid
  • What Should You Drink
  • Libido Booster and Diminisher


Tea Detox Guide

  • Turmeric Tea
  • Cinnamon Spiced Ginger Tea
  • Spicy Ginger Tea
  • Hibiscus Rose
  • Dandelion Lemon Tea
  • Luscious Lemon Tea
  • Oregano Metabolic Tea

21-Day Guide

  • General Rules
  • Day-to-Day instructions, motivation, meals, teas, etc.

You even receive some additional bonuses that you receive for absolutely free when you get started as well. They are:

  1. BONUS: 60 Second Flat Belly Protocol
  2. BONUS: Smoothie Recipes
  3. BONUS: Over 40 Libido Boosters
  4. BONUS: Best Selling Anti-Aging Workout DVD

Frequently Asked Questions

​Do I have to starve myself using this system?
In no way, shape or form. Truth be told, utilizing this framework, you will have the option to appreciate all your preferred nourishment, for example, pasta, cake, and even frozen yogurt without stress since you are over to transform your body into a fat-consuming machine.

I am over 50 will this work for me?
Yes. This system was developed specifically for people over 40, into their 50’s 60’s 70’s and even 80’s.

Will this work for both men and women?
​​​Yes. This system is for both men and women.

What If I am Too Busy and Don’t Have Time?
Lean Body Hacks is effortless and takes no additional time outside of what you are already doing as it requires no exercise or no diets.


  • The system is anything but difficult to pursue
  • The plans are heavenly and simple to make
  • The fixings can be found anyplace
  • The framework is modest and setting up the beverage considerably less expensive
  • The results appear inside the primary day of utilization


  • Taking it every evening for it to have a full effect


Lean Body Hacks teaches you a safe and natural way to force your body to burn more fat simply by adding a special ratio of herbs and spices that has been proven to improve gut flora and boost metabolism. Just imagine, in 21-days you can see significant results without ever stepping foot into a gym or restricting your diet.

You even get two months to try it with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and considering the entire 21-days is fairly effortlessly and only requires you to add some adjustments into your day, and you have nothing to lose.

So, sprinkle some fat burning herbs and spices into your daily tea, cook up some delicious recipes with a dash of this and that, and you can fix your body so that it can start to function properly which helps burn off fat with next to no effort.

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